Finally, I am almost on the road!
And here is the surprise destination to kick off the #PaperTrail in grand style… are you ready?
I am headed to the studio of Kathy Davis for a one on one meeting with her! Kathy is one of America’s leading social expressions designers. Chances are good that at some point, you have given or received Kathy’s artwork in the form of greeting cards, fabric, bank checks, calendars, or gifts. Kathy sells 40,000 cards a day! Last year, her sales of licensed goods exceeded $100 million at retail.
GULP. I am not sure I know what to say to her- I feel like I have an audience with the Pope! But when I look at her art, and I have to think that it reflects her personality, I see a kind and gentle soul who appreciates the beauty in people and nature and wants to share it with others. Not so scary…
Kathy has a new book out entitled, Scatter Joy. It looks beautiful and I want to pick a few up- I know my Mom would like one.
A little more about Kathy Davis Studios…
Headquartered in Horsham, PA., Kathy Davis Studios, Inc., is one of the nation’s leading design companies in the greeting card and gift industries. Selling millions of licensed products worldwide annually, Kathy Davis Studios, Inc. is led by Chief Visionary Officer, Kathy Davis.
Through its extensive collection of 20,000 designs and messages, the company has an array of licensed merchandise such as greeting cards, fabric, bank checks, calendars, and gifts.!/KathyDavisKDS
You may be wondering how it happened that I was granted this meeting. Well, funny story. One night I was goofing off on Facebook and happened to see a photo of a studio being organized by a FB friend called CardMonkey Jarvis. You have to love her name! Anyway I noticed that she lived in PA which is nearby so I suggested that her new studio might be a stop on the #PaperTrail. She said that would be fine but that she knew of a place I really should get to- and that was the studio of Kathy Davis! She even had a friend who was a VP there and she would see if she (and he) could pull some strings and get me in for a tour. So I said YES! Do it CardMonkey! And she did!
So that is how I will be meeting with Kathy Davis at 9:30 AM. Facebook, you rock!
CardMonkey, aka Ellen, and I will be doing some fun things during the day and then she has gathered a group of crafty friends together for some die cutting and crafting from 6-8 PM. That is, unless Ellen’s daughter, who is attending the event, goes into labor! Talk about an exciting day… 🙂
Check out Ellen’s blog post about the details if you would like to sign up. There were a few spots left last night so check it out if you are anywhere near Warminster PA.
I will let you know what happens. Right now I am loading up the last batch of boxes, suitcases, etc. and getting ready to drive tonight. Then I will be close to where I need to be in the morning and won’t have to deal with traffic.
Don’t forget to follow me on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram for BTS shots.
The adventure begins! Stay tuned my friends…
I think I would be speachless!
Have a great time!
Can’t wait to hear what you ask her!
I am soooooo looking forward to our day together tomorrow, Eileen! Kathy is just as you describe, warm, humble and truly a kind and generous soul. You’re right — she is just as you would expect her to be, looking at her designs. And her staff is just as warm, gracious and talented. A former art teacher, Kathy is very involved in teaching, mentoring and supporting the arts and artists of our community … which is how I came to know her.
Likewise, I’m excited to be the first on this round of the #PaperTrail to tour Scotty and to have you ahare your wealth of knowledge over pizza. Let’s get this party started!
Ellen / CardMonkey
Goodness, Kathy is clearly a hugely talented lady and how lovely that you are able to meet up with her – I would be very nervous! Ellen sounds lovely too – I hope you all have a wonderful day! Hugs, Anne x