Happy Winter! It’s finally getting cold here… about time! Hey, I’m a NY girl. I miss the snow.
Wow- it’s been a while since I have posted. Not that it matters… no one ever reads this or leaves me comments anyway. sniff, sniff … except PA. (thanks PA).
Life is good- my son Chris returned from 15 months in Iraq on Nov. 7 and we spent Thanksgiving up at his place. Our family was all together for the first time in a year and a half.
What a relief to have him home. He called the other night and I was outside getting ready for the Barn Sale. Amy called me on my cell to say I missed his call. I was so upset. After 15 months of never knowing when I would get a call, I was trained to pick up at any time and hope it would be him. If I missed it, it could be another month before he could call again. But after getting upset, I realized that I could just call him back on his HOME PHONE and TALK to him! Yay!
Business is going well. Picking up jobs right and left. Of course when it rains it pours. Matboard Magic is done! Be looking for it on Amazon on February. And work has already begun on the second book… not sure but think it’s still a secret so can’t say what it’s about yet…
Our book group was honored to have Tanya Biank, author of Army Wives, (book that the successful TV show was based on) here at my place to talk about it. We really enjoyed her talk and wish her well in her next writing endeavor.
I enjoy reading your blog, Eileen!
How thrilling to know that your book is almost out! It is about time that you receive the recognition you deserve for all those great ideas of yours . . . and then to be able to translate them into do-able projects for us mere “lay-folk” is another worthy talent. :o)
So happy that Chris is home. We know that Prayers Are Answered!
Thanks again for celebrating my birthday with me – you are the Best kind of Friend and I love you! :o)