These are the best for a little creative blast!
Ever sent a post to a list/chat and it wasn’t meant to go there? And you said really dumb things? Luckily your friends forgive you… AHHHHH! Technology is a mixed blessing.
“Matboard Magic” will be delivered to the CHA Show so no one (including the manufacturer that self-published it) will see it before it gets there. I can’t wait! Working away at Book #2 and it really is a lot of fun. I am displaying in the License and Design Section of the biggest Craft and Hobby convention in the world. It will be good to meet up with old friends and seeing all the new products and trends. More after the circus peanuts wear off… just had an idea… must make mat pencil box…
Hey Eileen,
I am so excited about all the stuff you are doing. I still remember you giving me hints for my business about websites and PayPal. My business name is Creative Chaos – we met at the craft fair at Carlisle. My business is going well too – ok it would be going well if I just devoted some time to it.(can’t use my exclamation point – it’s killing me) I got licensed to sell West Point items so that has been keeping me busy. I am now working on getting better items in the Engineer Museum Gift Shop at Fort Leonard Wood. I will be asking for some of your items once we get things rolling. I would also like you to rework your “Celebrating the Sisterhood Again” print to be Engineer related. I have some great ideas.
Till then you can email me at I just set up my own blog but haven’t done anything with it. Took me 15 minutes to figure how to comment on yours….
Anna Marie 🙂
Gotta Love those food color-filled orange peanuts! Now, what about the Boston Baked Beans?! Don’t leave those out :o)
I can’t wait to hear all about your adventures and successes at CHA in sunny California ~
Did you take earplugs for anyone?
I still have mine from last time! haha
Love Ya Bushels!
I love the changes to your website! Very pretty. I prefer malted milk balls for my creative addiction, but circus peanuts would do in a pinch…