Today did not begin well. I discovered a hole in my favorite socks. I knew I should let them go but hesitated with my hand over the garbage can… surely there was something that could be done to save them… I brought them downstairs to my studio and grabbed a Diet Coke on the way. Wait a minute… can- sock-slipcover…
If you are following this train of thought you should get yourself checked out. But isn’t it cute? It’s not hot out now but in a couple of months those cans will be dripping and sweating all over the place. This little baby will keep your hands nice and dry.
Here’s how:
wash socks
cut foot part off with scalloped rotary cutter blade
slip tube over can and cuff top of sock
add ribbon
and corny message attached by giant jump ring (puchased because of great colors)
And that’s it!
In other news… had a call from my son in Iraq and he’s doing OK so I’m a happy mom.
I am so glad that you heard from your son, Eileen! So glad.
Your can cozy is just way too cute. You are far too clever for your own good!
Can I be your friend? CAN I? CAN I? Love your latest recycling idea for the socks! Hey, that’s usually MY favorite thing to do…the recycling thing, I mean! Thanks for your froggie comment 🙂 But how do I follow your BLOG? I thought I had you down already as a site to be followed…but I’m thinking there’s something else I need to do so I can FOLLOW YOU? Fill me in! 🙂 So good to hear from you, Bean!
adorable craft!!
How cute is that!! The color is so bright & cheerful, and the ribbon and tag are a perfect finishing touch.
Hello!! Awesome!!
Cheesy tag included!!
I love it!!!
Wonderful Eileen! Goes to show our minds never sit still long!
Love this! I CAN’t stand to touch cold things, CANS included. (or hot either!)This is something I CAN do with all the socks I never wear. I CAN’t stand socks & shoes, either lol!
This is such a fun idea! Thank you for this great step by step tutorial. I wanted to let you know that I Have added this project to my What Can You Make with a Pair of Socks Round Up. If you would rather I delete your project from this round up please let me know.
Thanks and have a fabulous Day!