The day dawned bright and sunny. The doors of the Barn opened at 10 to a steady stream of customers looking for just the right gifts for their family and friends. There was hot cider and coffee, muffins, bagels and cream cheese, cookies and my special meatballs.
Things were going along great. Happy shoppers were leaving with bags of treasures. As the show was winding down and I was chatting with a customer, my friend Sandy came over and crossed her hands in front of her throat. It took a minute but I finally grasped the fact that she was choking and wanted me to do the Heimlich Maneuver on her! I don’t know about you, but I have never had to do that before to anyone. She turned around and I made a fist, positioned my arms around her and gave two (what felt like) pretty good compressions. It wasn’t working! So I asked my daughter Maryanne who was sitting there writing people up if she knew how to do it. She said yes and started working on Sandy whose lips were getting bluer by the second. It was shocking to see how fast it happened! I started dialing 911 but at the same time I knew she wouldn’t make it till an EMT arrived. THANKFULLY, on the fifth compression, the meatball was dislodged! Her cheeks got pink and she was able to talk again. I have to say that Sandy and Maryanne never lost their cool and handled the whole thing with minimal drama. But it was quite scary.
The lesson I learned was don’t be afraid to squeeze hard and right up under the ribs. I encourage you to take a minute and review the correct way to give the Heimlick Maneuver. I can tell you, as an eye witness, that it works! Maryanne says she learned this in Girl Scouts.
The other thing I learned (again) is that life is so fragile. Every day is a gift and I am so thankful for my friend Sandy, my brave daughter Maryanne and all of the other amazing people that God has placed in my life.
Here’s a pic of Maryanne helping to count the money at the end of the day. So, whew, all’s well that ends well. Thanks to the great vendors for setting up and all who attended and supported the Barn Sale and we hope to see you again next year!
I am so glad your friend is ok-thanks to you and your daughter’s quick thinking!
Glad the sale was a success!
Thank God that everyone remained calm and level headed. I am so glad it worked out the way it did. The human brain begins to die within 4-6 minutes from a complete lack of oxygen and can be completely dead in 10 minutes. A person will pass out in a very short time so time is of the essence. It is extrememly important to know what to do and act immediately….I am so glad you all did this….may God Bless you all. (and I am glad your sale was a success!!)
Thanks Debb and Sharon. Wow- 4-6 minutes! Oh boy, I am sweating all over again!
Ohemgee! That’s too way much excitement! So awesome that it turned out okay!
Oh my goodness! You and your daughter are heroes. How fortunate that you were trained and knew what to do, and could act calmly when confronted with a life & death emergency! I am so proud of you both!
What a horrible and wonderful story at the same time. Sandy I am so glad you are okay and with Eileen and Maryann’s quick thinking and reactions it all turned out well. It really does make you think about how things can change in a split second.
Wow! I hadn’t read this yet when we were chatting earlier or I would have mentioned it. What a relief that you and MA knew what to do! Glad the Barn Sale went well, too! One year I’ll have to come!
OH MY… that is so scary and you all did so well … feel so blessed it was a happy ending!