I recently took the red-eye back from the SNAP blogging conference in Utah. Aside from the crying baby, the first leg of the journey was not too bad. There was a brief layover in NYC at JFK and we had to change planes. I turned a corner outside my gate and to my delight, saw this beautiful paper store called Muji!
At 6 AM my brain was not doing so well and I didn’t get pictures except for this one…
The prices were very reasonable and I found some pens with .3 nibs. For the pen geeks reading- you know how hard it is to find a nice pen with a nib that fine! I love these and keep doodling away when there are way too many other things I should be doing…
Looks like they have an online catalog. Here’s what I bought but now I am kicking myself for what I didn’t get… luckily they have an online catalog.
I think I need another trip.
What a fun surprise! I will have to check it out next time I am there!