The Paper Trail trip cross country this fall really did a number on my poor little vintage trailer Scotty. In Utah, I was stopped at a light and was hit from behind by two guys in an overfilled pesticide truck. They crunched in Scotty’s back left fender which caused a good sized dent plus internal injuries to the bed where I slept.
I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do. I got $1500 from the insurance to fix the damages but that wasn’t enough to fix everything that needed fixing. As you may recall, there were some mechanical issues that occurred along the Paper Trail 3: lost the running lights in FL, a messed up lock (although that is working fine now thanks to Ray in CO), and water damage (thankfully I had very few days of rain on the trip). Plus I might have taken Scotty through a bank drive-through one time which ended badly… anyway, let’s just say Scotty stood up pretty well but he needs some major help.
The thought of selling Scotty crossed my mind but made me sad- honestly we have have been through so much together I didn’t have the heart to let him go. Which meant I needed to find someone to do the work. I have done basic things like paint and flooring but what he needs is structural. I don’t have the know-how, although I would love someday to give it a try. I have watched numerous You Tube videos and also many episodes of Flippin’ RV’s and think it would be possible to do with the help of a certain SIL who is an excellent woodworker… but I don’t have the time, tools, space or weather to be working on it now.
I put out some feelers on Facebook and in my National Serro Scotty FB group and that’s where I found Kevin and Tammy of KT RV Repair and Vintage Restoration. They are located in Mantua, OH which is about 330 miles from me. I sent pictures and a list of the things I wanted to have done and they sent me back an estimate. It was affordable and the reviews on their site were very positive so I decided to bite the bullet and we agreed on a delivery date!
So far, there are two Paper Trail tours planned for 2015. The first one is a trip to Boston for the Collins Group Rep Event in April. They were able to arrange the schedule so I could have Scotty back in time.
On the way, I had hoped to teach a class or two but the timing was too tight so instead I plan to visit a store in Butler, PA on the way and take a look around. I also found this really cool sounding recycling place in Pennsylvania called the Pittsburgh Center for Creative Reuse. I will let you know how it goes.
I am so looking forward to a Paper Trail trip, even if it is just for two days. Keep an eye out on my Eileen Hull Designs page- that is where I will be posting.
Soon Scotty will be a nice healthy camper with no leaks, lights and functioning parts! I am excited about that. Thanks for stopping by…
Hurray for Scotty getting all fixed up! =)
I know Lisa- I will be happy to have lights
Yes, Lisa- the couple that will be doing the work on Scotty seem really nice and have lots of ideas. It will be fun to see what they can do…
Awwww, poor Scotty. So glad he will be well soon.
me too Jean! I missed him behind me on the way home 🙁
Love to Scotty! Glad he can be fixed!
Yes, Julie, the guy was very reassuring that he could do what I needed so now I am excited to see when he’s all fixed up!~
How wonderful that Scotty is being repaired so he will be beautiful again for your next Paper Trail! Boston is my favourite city in America , I envy you your visit there! Take care on the journey. Hugs, Anne xx
Anne we will be outside of Boston but agree that is a fun city- have not been there since college. The problem in cities is parking when you have a Scotty in tow 🙂 I will post pics when I get him back!
Glad to hear that Scotty is getting fixed up and will be ready for your trip to the beautiful city of Boston! X
Glad to hear you are able to get Scotty repaired and back in excellent health. Love that little guy 🙂
Me too! It was sad to leave him but know they can fix him up and make him better 🙂
I know how you feel. I have a 1976 CJ5 Jeep that every year needs something else that can only be found buying a rebuilt part OR searching junk yards.
Her name is Cannonball because when we first got her, she was painted the same colors of the Cannonball train on Petticoat Junction. Since then, she’s been repainted in a blue metal flake.
With 3 speed manual tranny, 8 cylinders, a 304 cu in engine and a four barrel carburetor, she does not go on long trips cross country trips , but living in Charleston, SC, she is fun in the sun and driving on the beach. She may be old but she is still ahead turner.
My secret thrill – pulling up to a light with some young kid driving a ricer or something similar and they gun their engine showing off and you hear this dyspeptic little noise coming from their tailpipe, then I gun my motor and you hear a true V-8 engine give off a growl, the kid will suddenly decides to wait at the light!!
haha Rosie, I can just picture you at the light 🙂 That makes me happy. I will admit I do get some looks on the road. My favorite thing is when I come out of a store and I see people looking at the trailer and they are so surprised to see me get in! Hope you have many more years in Cannonball and thanks for writing!