Coming your way! Last week I completed a training class to be a certified Logan Mat Cutting instructor. Classes will be held at AC Moore stores in certain areas so keep your eyes out for more info in your local store. If you don’t see anything and are interested in learning more, Logan is still looking for teachers, experience helpful. Contact Connie Cook at
Hayward and I had the pleasure of attending a York Revolutions baseball game yesterday in York, PA with my friend Stephen (since second grade) and his wife Nancy. What a fun time! The town is just beautiful and the stadium was full of folks from the community having a good time enjoying the perfect weather. In between innings there was sumo wrestling, little kids doing sack races, free t-shirts being launched from gigantic rubber band catapults, contests, etc. Plus their hot dogs were, well, everything a hot dog eaten during a baseball game should be. To make things extra special, we were in the company of a celebrity- Nancy has worked on the committee that actually built the stadium and we saw her name right in the entrance on an mpressive brass plaque- yeah- she’s my peep π uh huh… Wish we lived closer- I’d be there a lot.
Which makes me think about how lucky I am living where I do- 25 miles from DC and all the museums and landmarks. When we moved here I decided to take the kids in and visit once a week. We did for a few weeks but then they made friends and decided the pool was more fun- and it was sure easier than loading everyone up for a day in DC. But now I am free to go where I want and don’t! OK, note to self- go exploring!