I just returned from a beautiful week in Aruba and here is the view from our room. Unbelievable! The place we stayed at had a lazy river winding through the pool area where we spent many hours. We also snorkeled over a huge wrecked ship. When I put my mask in the water and saw thousands of fish right below me, I could barely catch my breath. So clear, deep, colorful and alive!
Speaking of nature, we have a fox family of eight living next door under our neighbor’s shed. I am able to see them from my garage door and run up and watch them whenever I need entertainment. The six kits are quite a handful. Each day the kits are venturing further away from home. Poor tired Mama just rolls her eyes and herds them back. They have been spotted throughout the yard, running around with chipmunk carcasses clamped between their teeth, having a great old time.
If you would like to check out some very cool recycling Earth Day type projects, visit the Craft Critique Earth Day Carnival. See if you can pick mine out… hint- it involves my favorite beverage 🙂 It makes me happy to see more people jumping on the recycling bandwagon and using their creativity to recreate new projects from old stuff. Hope you did something special to celebrate our beautiful planet today. I went to my favorite thrift store and found some cool materials to create with. Will post when I have figured out what I am doing with them.