The lace is was originally the bottom of the top- are you following me here??? and coated with a huge amount of spray adhesive- those beads are heavy! Once again I used buttons and trim to add color and texture. I love that cute little pink pompom trim- just had enough to make it around.
On the top, a sweet pink flowered demitasse cup and saucer hold a pin cushion. I wrapped a 2 1/2″ FloraCraft styrofoam ball with vintage green seam binding and wrapped mini-rickrack around it. I used pearls and beads to decorate the pins that are stuck in there.
So now you know how it was done. Bet you’ll be running out to get yourself the stuff to make one today! Honestly it was a big project but I think it came out really nice.
I actually have been very busy creating the last few days so will post that stuff soon. Can’t wait to show you the latest thing I figured out to do with my Logan mat cutter!