Thoughts on CHA a few weeks after returning home….
For an overwhelmingly large show, I think it was a good one. The hardest thing for me to do before I left was to narrow down what my goals were. Once I did that, the next steps seemed fairly logical. Meet with the company/manufacturer/publisher/editor and basically introduce myself, ask if they needed anything, tell them of my new efforts…
Martha Stewart? Not too impressive. I know she has a magazine- I look at “Good Things” everytime I go to the grocery store. I learned nothing new in her lecture and the wine wasn’t even very good at the reception. Those shish-ke-bob things weren’t bad though…
Some cool new gadgets came out and hopefully I’ll get to try them out and see what I can do for the manufacturers of them.
I think the best thing was getting together with the other designers and seeing what they have been up to. The Designer Showcases were great and so inspiring. Honestly, you would think we would be more competitive but everyone is so encouraging and happy for the others when they get a book or make a great contact. I love that!
So I’m working away and that’s a “good thing” too 🙂