I just arrived in California- so glad to make it alive and in one piece! So here is the last installment of more CHA Designers that will be in the Paper Trail Booth!

My friend Cheryl Boglioli is special because our trailers are going to get married someday so that kind of makes us related 🙂
Cheryl is a mixed-media Artist on the leading edge of new products and techniques within the various disciplines of the ever-growing market. As a full-time Artist with an intuitive painting style and passion for teaching, you can find her Living the Art Life ™, traveling and teaching workshops at independent stores and events nationwide with her renovated 1970 vintage trailer, Glinda. If you see her along the way, she even gives tours and appearances with Glinda. See more of Cheryl and her adventures at www.cherylboglioli.com.
Come glamping with Cheryl on Saturday 2-3 and Monday 4-5 to create your own 3D mini trailer using Eileen’s Vintage Trailer Thinlet dies and glam them up with Thermoweb Foil! Someone bring the marshmallows!
Thanks for visiting with us and don’t forget to watch what’s happening at the show in the booth. We will be sharing on social media…
Follow Scotty and I on #paprtrailCHA.
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And tomorrow we have to park that bad boy on the show floor. Wish me luck- it may involve backing up :-0